City of Jordan Arbor Day Tree Sales


April 26, 2024, is Arbor Day!

“Arbor Day 2024 is all about ensuring our earth and the trees upon it are all happy, healthy, and growing to be as strong as they possibly can be!” (National Arbor Day 2024 theme)

The City has taken a proactive step by purchasing trees to encourage the planting of new trees in our community. We are offering 100 trees at reduced rates, making it easier for you to contribute to a greener, healthier environment. The sale will run for two weeks, starting Friday, April 26, through Friday, May 10. You can conveniently pick up and pay in person at City Hall during our regular business hours. Please note, this offer is exclusively for City of Jordan residents. We have a limited variety of trees available, including 50 Autumn Blaze Maples and 25 each of Pin Oaks and American Elms. (Limit five trees per person)


Autumn Blaze Maples 6”-18’                                                                       $5.00/each

Pin Oak 12”-18”                                                                                                $1.00/each

American Elm 18”-24”                                                                                    $10.00/each

Press Release – Emerald Ash Borer Boulevard Replacement Reimbursement

Press Release

The City of Jordan is pleased to announce at the July 24, 2023, City Council meeting, the City Council approved a policy that allows for reimbursement to those landowners that remove and replace Ash trees that are dead, infected, or diseased by Emerald Ah Borer in the boulevard. This policy only applies to residential uses. Applications will be approved on a first come first serve basis. Note that this program is for boulevard trees only.  If the tree is located in a front yard but not in the boulevard: it is not eligible for this program.

Policy and Application

List of Approved Trees

For more information contact the planning department:| 952-492-7929

Press Release – Pauly Park

Press Release

The City of Jordan is pleased to announce it has been selected to receive a $350,000 grant from the Minnesota DNR through the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program for a new City park!

The City’s planned Pauly Park is located in the Bluffs at Cedar Ridge and Heritage Hills neighborhoods, south of TH 282 and west of Lydia Road. The grant funding will be used to construct a 3.5-acre park with amenities including an inclusive, ADA accessible playground, pickleball courts, half basketball court, and accessible trails all adjacent to two neighborhoods that have long been without any nearby park. Pauly Park’s playground will be the first of its kind in the City, with inclusive play features such as wheelchair accessible equipment and rubber safety surfacing. The accessible equipment will allow children with disabilities to play alongside their peers, and reap the same physical, social, cognitive, and psychological benefits from playing outdoors. Alongside the new playground will be the City’s first pickleball courts. Initial land development grading work will occur on-site this fall with construction of the new park facilities occurring in summer 2024.

The City of Jordan is grateful for the opportunity to partner with the DNR and is thrilled to be able to provide such an innovative and highly sought after amenity for Jordan residents. The grant program aims to increase and enhance outdoor recreation facilities in local and community parks throughout the state. With the construction of Pauly Park, both the City of Jordan and Minnesota DNR will achieve these goals.

Media Contact:

Tom Nikunen, City of Jordan

City Administrator| 952-492-2535


City-Wide Cleanup Day May 20, 2023

Spring Cleanup Day – May 20, 2023

Buckingham Companies will be conducting the City-Wide Cleanup Day at the Police Station at 705 Syndicate Street near Valley Green Mobile Home Park. Hours for the cleanup are 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, Saturday, May 20th. Drop-off is only for the City of Jordan residents and is free of charge.

Valley Green Park will have a separate cleanup day provided by your Hauler!

Items Accepted: Mattresses/Box springs (4 per vehicle), Furniture, Electronics, Appliances, Grills, Lawnmowers/Snow Blowers (ALL fluids must be drained or they will NOT be accepted), Household Garbage/Toys (Please have any loose items bagged), Scrap Metal, Construction Debris, Windows, Exercise Equipment, Recyclables (cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, glass bottles).  This list is not all-inclusive!

Items NOT accepted: household liquids/hazardous waste (paints, thinners, cleaners, stains, and varnishes), fluorescent light bulbs, tires, gas or diesel, yard waste, brush, logs/firewood.

Please take Household hazardous waste to Scott County Hazardous Waste Facility located at 588 Country Trail E.  For days and times of operation visit Scott County Household-Hazardous-Waste or call 952-496-8787.

If you have any further questions regarding this year’s Spring Cleanup Day, please feel free to contact our Buckingham at 952-226-6441, and their friendly office staff will be able to assist you!

City of Jordan – Spring Cleanup Ad – Newspaper – May 2023

Potential Organics & Yard Waste Drop-Off Site in Jordan

Potential Combined Organics & Yard Waste Drop Off Site in Jordan:

City staff have been working on a grant application in coordination with the Scott County Environmental Services Department.  The City’s goal is to enhance the existing enclosure for household organics drop-off and create a brand new enclosure for yard waste drop-off.

If successful in receiving the grant, the City will incorporate this new combined facility as part of our pre-planned paving project for the Jordan Police Department parking lot this summer. Check out the draft plans by clicking the link below and let us know what you think!

Jordan PD Parking Lot Plans


Residential Garbage and Recycling RFP Update

By now you might know that the City Council choose a different company’s proposal for residential garbage and recycling services for the next 5 year contract. The local garbage company did not get approved by the City Council. Jordan business, Elite Waste, has been our residential garbage hauler for the past 8 years. The City gave Elite Waste tax abatement when they built their building and moved to Jordan. What this means is, we have given them back all the city taxes they have paid since day one to help their business get started and expand here. That abatement continues for another 3-4 years. The City has supported this local business for the past 9 years to help them be competitive in their field.

Our current contract with Elite Waste is up at the end of 2016. Since the City Council was concerned with getting the lowest rates for garbage for our citizens and wanted to get some new services, they chose to go out for requests for proposals (RFP). Before the City did this we published a survey to our residents on garbage services. We received a 29% response rate on this survey of those eligible to reply. This is a really good amount for any survey and means to us that people feel strongly about this service contract. Through that survey the City Council was able to draft our RFP and tailor it to what the residents wanted. Most of the services requested were put in the proposal to greatly increase the amount of services our residents will see starting in 2017.

The residents that responded to the survey were asked if they liked the current service. 77% replied Yes and 23% replied No. So service is not a major concern or a reason to switch companies and never was. A majority think Elite Waste has done a great job or are satisfied.

The residents were also asked if the City Council should give the benefit of the doubt to the local hauler on prices if the bids came in close and by how much. They answered the question 50.47% with “No” and 49.53% said “Yes”. However, only 7.35% said “Yes” if the difference was more than 3%. 42.19% of the people said yes give the contract to the local hauler if the difference is 3% or less. The City Council always said they would try to tilt the decision to the local hauler if the bids were close. These bids came back with Elite Waste’s proposal being a $3.32/month higher than the lowest bid for the average home. The lowest bid was $14.35 for the average customer who has a 60 gallon trash and a 60gallon recycling container. This is roughly 20% lower than the bid from Elite Waste. This will save the residents $263,384 over the next 5 years as compared with Elite’s bid which was the second lowest bid. The average home is now paying $20.51/month with Elite Waste under the current contract and they will see their bill drop down to $14.35/month in 2017. This will save all of our residents close to $600,000 over the next 5 years compared to our current contract. Those numbers were difficult to look past.

It was a hard decision for the City Council but the bids were not close enough to give the nod to the local hauler this time. They are a good company and can bid to get our business back in 5 years at the end of this new contract. We understand a few people in town feel very strongly that the City of Jordan should always contract with the local hauler. From our survey results a majority of the residents disagree and are in favor of getting a reduction in prices on garbage services as opposed to paying this much more to give the business to the local garbage hauler. The City Council feels it did the best thing for the majority of the residents on the approval of the lowest bidder on these RFP’s. We hope you can agree it was not done without consideration of our local business. They are a good business and we highly recommend them to anyone. However, the bid process did not work out in their favor this time.

Let’s focus on the some of the many improvements achieved by these RFP’s:

  • New company owns and operate their own materials recycling facility (recyclables).
  • We will now be offering weekly yard waste cart pick up and weekly organics cart pick up.(Jordan will be one of the first cities in the State with organics offered city wide)
  • New Company utilizes clean burning natural gas powered trucks.
  • Will provide front load dumpsters for cardboard ONLY for public drop-off at no charge at an agreed upon city location.
  • Will provide one year free residential trash and recycling services to any service person that is in “active duty” in the military.
  • Curb cancer program with pink carts
  • Will provide a one-day 4 hour free bulky item drop off.
  • All city building, parks and events to be serviced at no charge.
  • Annual fall leaf collection day to be serviced at no charge.
  • Annual curbside Christmas tree collection for 2 weeks to be serviced at no charge.
  • Organics can be co-collected with yard waste (10 bags/bundles included)
  • Two free cart exchanges per year.
  • Valet service is free for handicapped or elderly customers.
  • No charge for first missed collection (No-Out Fee)
  • We are reducing the late fees from over $10.00 to a flat percentage of 15% or $2.25 on average.
  • We will no longer be charged the extra fuel surcharge or the dumping fee.
  • We will now have a Snow Bird options to stop service and charges if you are gone for 30days or more in the winter.
  • The Company will do considerable outreach and education for the community on their services and best methods to use organics, yard waste, solid waste and recycling.
  • The big savings that I discussed earlier saving our residents up to $600,000 as compared to our current contract.

With all of these improvements to our residential garbage and recycling services, we believe that going out for RFP’s had an extremely positive outcome for Jordan as a whole. With all the price reductions our residents could add organics or a yard waste cart with weekly pickup and still save money per month as compared to the rates we are paying in 2016. There are a great deal of positives for our residents to look forward to for our residential garbage and recycling contract starting on January 1, 2017 and going out the next 5 years.

Sincerely yours,

Tom Nikunen

City Administrator


City of Jordan Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Services Request for Proposals (RFP)

Request for Proposals

Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Services

Request for Proposals (RFP) (a)
The City of Jordan, Minnesota is soliciting sealed proposals for:

Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Services
RFP contents are inclusive:

(a) Full contents of this RFP includes all attachments incorporated into this RFP by reference. Responders must review and familiarize themselves with the full RFP packet including all attachments and any addenda issued.  The forms and full RFP documents are found below.
Issue and receiving office:

City of Jordan, City Administrator

City Hall

210 East 1st Street

Jordan, MN 55352

Sole City contact person for all RFP communications:

All communications about this RFP after its release and up through the due date shall be in writing through the City’s designated contact person:

Tom Nikunen, City Administrator

(952) 492-2535

 RFP Time Schedule (b):

RFP released:    April 8, 2016

Proposals due: May 6, 2016; 5:00 p.m.
(b) RFP Time Schedule is subject to change. Please continue to monitor the City’s web page for schedule updates or other instruction amendments.





RFP-Addendum 1