Press Release Greg Art

12 Paintings in 24 Hours in Scott County


Media Advisory & Photo Opportunity

For Immediate Release:

In November, Greg Preslicka took on a challenge to paint 12 paintings in 24 hours. He donated 6 of these works to various organizations. Two in Jordan were the City of Jordan and St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Jordan. The event was created in order to spur some recognition and awareness to an art Show Greg had in his home. Greg has been a life long resident in Scott County, and grew up in New Prague.

For more info about his art for sale or to schedule a private viewing call or email 612-875-6630 or go to


Graphic Design

Twenty years ago my wife and I opened a graphic design business and have been doing that business ever since. I have doing graphic design for many large companies like General Mills, IDQ, Malt-O-Meal and more. My work includes logos, package design, signage, point of sale materials, and ads.

The Big Picture Murals

In 2008 we started a business doing wall murals. This business gave me the opportunity to get out from behind my computer. I thoroughly enjoy the whole process of mural creation – from the initial meetings, to brainstorming, to illustrating on the computer, to finally when the paint hits the wall. I enjoy developing a learning component with the project and involving community members and students. The hands-on process adds even more value to a project. I enjoy painting for all ages and for all types of spaces – libraries, community centers, environmental learning centers, schools, daycare, psychiatrists office and many more. I enjoy coming up with a “solution” to the space to achieve my client’s goals. Each mural is carefully concepted and designed before painted. The murals are designed to work with the space and enhance the environment.

Fine Art

I have been a landscape painter (painting en plein air) for nine years. I started as a way to better understand the light in nature so as to be a better studio painter. I paint for the experience. Finding a location. Choosing the view. Setting up. Braving the elements. Dealing with changes in light and weather. Feeling a part of the scene I am painting. These are all an integral part of my paintings. Many times I will look at one of my paintings and have only a faint recollection of how I went from a blank board to the finished painting. I will however have an intimate memory of the way the wind was blowing and how many clouds passed by. When someone views one of my paintings I hope they in some way experience what I did. I want them totally unaware to the way I applied the paint or the composition or the colors I chose. I would much rather hear someone say about a painting, “It sure looks cold there” than say, “I love the color you used for the sky.”

Greg and his wife and business partner Heidi both grew up in New Prague and have lived in Scott County their whole lives.