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Small business Revolution Main Street Grant

The City of Jordan is applying for the Deluxe Small Business Revolution Grant.

The winning town will receive a $500,000 Main Street makeover, including:

  • Deluxe marketing services for small businesses in the community
  • Strategic support and guidance from celebrity entrepreneur Robert Herjavec
  • Revitalized public spaces, store fronts and more, designed to protect and reinvigorate the sense of community
  • Starring role in online video series, and the chance to tell the world what your town has to offer to residents and visitors alike

Please nominate the City of Jordan  here and help tell our story!


Here is what we wrote! (more…)

Planning Commissioner

Position Objectives

The role of the planning commissioner is to review and act on matters related to planning and development. In addition, commissioners have a role in the updating and adoption of City plans based on community input, staff recommendations, what is best for the whole community, and taking into account its immediate and future needs. The commissioner also reviews development applications, researches planning issues, stays current on planning practices, and monitors code compliance. The commissioner must ensure that each proposal meets the goals and standards set out in the City plans and the land use codes (e.g., zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, etc.).The commissioner serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council. The commissioner works toward implementing the vision of the community and the City Council for the future as expressed in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The commissioner should have skills related to civic-mindedness, an interest in planning, objectivity and an open mind to new ideas, ability to listen, ability to express oneself clearly and concisely in public, enough free time to adequately prepare for meetings, no conflicts of interest, be willing to participate in discussions and activities that advance the community, ability to work with a group to achieve general agreement or consensus on community issues, and maintain good working relationships with other planning Commission members, as well as with planning staff, other city staff, the City Council, applicants, consultants, and the public.