Yard waste includes all garden waste, grass clippings, leaves, weeds, twigs and branches.
Yard, garden and tree waste can be recycled into compost. In fact, putting it in your garbage is illegal in Minnesota. Leaves, grass and plant trimmings, along with some types of food waste, can be combined in a backyard compost bin to create a valuable soil additive for your lawn and garden. That is recycling at its best! Later use the finished compost to improve your soil or as mulch around plants.
If you don’t plan on composting in your backyard or simply don’t have the space, contact Buckingham Companies for yard waste pick-up service, or drop off your yard and garden waste at the nearest compost site listed below.
Rates and Service Levels
Curbside yard waste collection is a seasonal (April to November) subscription or on-call based service. Yard waste is collected every week on your regular collection day and must be set out by 7 a.m. to ensure collection. Place carts with the lid opening facing the street and allow for 3 feet on each side of the cart.
Fall Curbside Leaf Collection Day
Buckingham Companies will provide one (1) fall curbside leaf collection day for all residents within The City of Jordan, offered at NO CHARGE. Not to exceed a total of 25 bags or bundles
Local Yard Waste Drop-off Sites
The following compost sites are owned and operated by private entities and are open to residents and businesses year round. Please call ahead to inquire about disposal fees, hours of operation and delivery instructions.
City of Jordan Organics & Yard Waste Drop-Off Site
City of Jordan Organics & Yard Waste Drop-Off Site
705 Syndicate St
Jordan, MN 55352
Jordan, MN 55352
The SMSC Organics Recycling Facility offers FREE yard waste recycling every Sunday in September and October from 8am to 2pm for Scott County residents. Identification is required.
Compostable Bag Law
Did you know? Per State law, residents in the Twin Cities area who bag their yard and organic waste are required to put their waste out for pickup in compostable bags–either paper bags or compostable bags. Plastic bags can be used when delivering yard and organic waste to a drop-off site, however, material must be de-bagged. Plastic bags should be reused or disposed of through residential garbage service.
No fuel surcharge or environmental fee shall be applied to the services offered.