The purpose of the ordinance is to “provide minimum standards to promote public safety, to safeguard life, limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the use and occupancy, construction and maintenance of all Rental Dwellings within the City (City Code Section 124.01)”.
The ordinance requires all Rental Dwelling Units to be licensed and to be inspected by the Building Official.
Residential rental property owners are required to submit a completed Rental Licensing and Inspection Application annually for each rental property. Applications may be submitted electronically to the Planning Department, by mail, or in person at:
Attn: Planning Department
210 East 1st Street
Jordan, MN 55352
*Exceptions: A rental dwelling is not subject to inspections if it is being rented to a qualifying relative or within a hotel, motel, hospital or nursing home, assisted living, group home, or independent living facility, or board and lodging home licensed and inspected by the State of Minnesota for compliance with state building and/or fire codes. (City Code Section 124.04)